Monday, February 4, 2019


After all that has past and the progress that has been made, there is only one thing to do and that is keep moving forward in life.  When there is no forward movement one can become stuck in a stagnant pool of water.  While consistency can be nice, it can also become suffocating.  You turn into a robot that goes thru the motions of the day to day. some individuals are happy there with a sense of this what I do and this is what I become, I myself am not.  I believe in trying to move forward experiencing new things places and learning continue to rush down the river and growing as progress is made.

Right now as we are starting February this post is kind of late.  I generally believe in starting my year and thoughts of going forward in Decemeber...moving with the season rather than the number of the year.  For the purpose of this blog post though I will stick with the year thought and bring to you what I see, plan and hope for in what remains of 2019.

Words are powerful. How they are used and what they mean set a tone. Since my intent for the year is to continue to make progress on myself the word I choose for 2019 will be FORWARD.

When I look to my resolution or what I want to accomplish for the year ahead in my goals and habits it is important that each one of these will contribute to core values.  Core values are the base of what makes a person a person and the directions they take.  Core values are generally: Body (health/fitness), Heart (family), Mind (learning, connections), and Soul (community, work). 

This year I also got this animal spirit tarot deck an decided to pull some cards as to what my year looks like, the things to keep in mind and how things will progress. Here is what was in the cards (I have to say they were very fitting of the mood/theme I wanted this year):

Mood Overview: BEAVER: Hard worker, tireless, family first - appears when the task at hand requires long term steady effort time for some selfless service - When in Balance there will be happy meaningful work

Personal Direction Overview: PEACOCK: Inner Beauty Compassion - assimilate all experiences in life does not harbor resentment conflict or past pain within the psyche. Balance confident and kind

Now moving on to setting the goals to accomplish the overall theme/direction for the yeat. The great thing about goals is you can have as many or few as you would like and they can always be changed as time progresses. My tendency is to set the overall goals or accomplishments I would like to see of myself for the year and then also when a season changes set up bucket list items or a vision of what I would like to see happen during that season. We will leave the whole bucket list items for another future post.

Now let's get into the goals/accomplishments that I set for myself this year and if there has been any progress made to date:

Run a 5k
Try a New Fitness Class - Accomplished: Barre and Pilates Class
Better Self Care
Internal Heath

Financial Stability - Focusing on need versus wants
Pay off Hospital Bill

Read 12 books
Take a class thru the Library

Hide Horicon Rocks
Join Friends of the Library - Accomplished: first meeting was in January
Wisconsin Wilds Blog and Instagram

Redo downstairs bathroom
Finish garden wall area
Organize bedroom closet
Maintain photo projects

FInd Horicon Geocaches
Try 3 new restaurants
Explore a new place

To accomplish some of the goals I will need to develop better habits to achieve these goals.  Since this is getting rather lengthy, I will leave the habit conversation for another post.   WIth all this possibility it looks to be a fun year ahead.  A year of moving forward and enjoying the life that I intend to build for myself.  Thanks for taking the time to read thru my intentions for the year.  Hopefully, this has inspired you to set some goals to achieve for the new year or gave you some great ideas....until next time.

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